
Parse URL based on the provided template

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Url Parser is a light-weight project module which does not use any external library in production code. Template should include only the Url path, if you add query string in template, that would be ignored. Query params are represented as key value params, i.e. by providing key to getQueryParamValue method, you can fetch the value of query params.

Java Compiler: 1.7, 1.8

Importing as Maven dependency
How to use
UrlParser urlParser = UrlParser.createParser("/path/{pathName}/pin/{pin}");
if (urlParser.parse("/path/NSCBoseRoad/pin/33003?query=myOwnQuery")) {
    System.out.println("Param pathName: " + urlParser.getPathParamValue("templateName"));
    Integer pin = (Integer) urlParser.getPathParamValue("pin", Type.INTEGER);
    System.out.println("Param PIN: " + pin);
    System.out.println("Param query: " + urlParser.getQueryParamValue("query").get(0));


Param pathName: NSCBoseRoad
Param PIN: 33003
Param query: myOwnQuery

In above example you see parse method returns boolean. If provided Url matches the template, it would return true, otherwise false. Note that, It is recomended to check if parse returns true, or you can get un-necessary exception while accessing other methods, like: getPathParamValue, getQueryParamValue etc

Type support

UrlParser support Type casting of INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, STRING, BIGINT, BIGDECIMAL, ARRAY Special type Array is supported for delimiter seperated value e.g /usernames/Ram,Sham,Jadu,Madhu. Note that, if you use Type.ARRAY, it will use comma(,) as default delimiter. To set custom delimiter you have to set that explicitely using Type.ARRAY.setDelimiterForTypeArray(CharSequence delimiter) method, e.g. Type.ARRAY.setDelimiterForTypeArray(":").

url-parser supports multiple query params with same key like ?x=1&x=2&x=3&y=1, e.g.
UrlParser urlParser = UrlParser.createParser("/path/{pathName}");
if (urlParser.parse("/path/myOwnPath?query=myOwnQuery&query=myPetsQuery&otherQuery=brothersQuery")) {
    System.out.println("My param query: " + urlParser.getQueryParamValue("query"));
    System.out.println("Others param query: " + urlParser.getQueryParamValue("otherQuery"));


My param query: List("myOwnQuery", "myPetsQuery")
Others param query: List("brothersQuery")
More examples in test-cases